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Manuel Cases Portfolio
Knowing Technologies Campfire
"The San Francisco School" gave me the opportunity to work with a tech coach from the company "knowing technologies" to develop a new Spanish program in the school. I created a Global learning community for students via "Flipgrid", an educational tool that allow students to record videos, share feedback and collaborate with other schools
Mentoring for other teachers
During the last 5 years I have been mentoring other teachers in the use of technology applied to education. I became a member of ISTE (International Society of Technology in Education). Seeking to "transform teaching and learning" through technology and adherence to the ISTE Standards. See link for more details.
Presentation at SVCUE
I got the opportunity to present my project "Global learning Community for students" at the Silicon Valley Computer Using Education Annual Event. SVCUE are committed to networking, resources, and the integration of all forms of technology throughout the curriculum.
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